Friday, November 6, 2009

Dir Function in VBA (Visual Basic)

Dir or Dir$ Function can be used in Microsoft Visual Basic (Applications) to get the list of directories or files

sDir = Dir$(sPath & "*.Doc", vbNormal)
Do Until LenB(sDir) = 0
Set oWB = Documents.Open(sPath & sDir)
‘ Do some stuff
sDir = Dir$

The above will open all Word Documents under a particular directory.

Shared Name For the Drive

QueryDosDeviceW API Function can be used to get the device name.

To get the Shared Name of the drive, use the following function:-

Public Function ConvertDrive2ServerName(ByVal sFullPath As String) As String

' --- Replaces the DriveName with ShareName in a given string

Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
Dim sDrive As String
Dim drvName As Drive
Dim sShare As String
On Error GoTo Err_TrapSet
FSO = New FileSystemObject
sDrive = FSO.GetDriveName(sFullPath)
Set drvName = FSO.GetDrive(sDrive)
sShare = drvName.ShareName
If LenB(sShare) <> 0 Then
ConvertDrive2ServerName = Replace(sFullPath, sDrive, sShare, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
ConvertDrive2ServerName = sFullPath
End If
If Not FSO Is Nothing Then Set FSO = Nothing
' ---------------------------------------
' Error Handling'
If Err <> 0 Then
Resume Next
End If
End Function

The function returns the DriveName with ShareName in a given string. It is advisable for programmers to store all the file locations using Sharename instead of DriveName.
