Tuesday, January 3, 2012

VBA Programming 1:-

This section is for users who want to get the most out of Excel VBA. Excel VBA Programming is not difficult, but you do need to know the keywords used in Excel VBA.

1) Variables: Excel VBA uses variables just like any other programming language. Learn how to declare and initialize an excel vba variable of type Integer, String, Double, Boolean and Date.

2) String Manipulation: There are many functions in Excel VBA we can use to manipulate strings. In this chapter you can find a review of the most important functions.

3) Calculate: Calculate with Excel VBA and add, subtract, multiply and divide values just like you are used to doing in Excel.

4) If Then Statement: In many situations you only want Excel VBA to execute certain code lines when a specific condition is met. The If Then statement allows you to do this. Instead of multiple If Then statements, you can use Select Case.

5) Cells: Instead of the more common Range object we could also use Cells. Using Cells is particularly useful when we want to loop through ranges.

6) Loop: Looping is one of the most powerful programming techniques. A loop (or For Next loop) in Excel VBA enables you to loop through a range of data with just a few lines of code.

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