Thursday, May 6, 2010

Calculate the interest rate :-

To solve this puzzle, we need to calculate the initial investment based on the interest rate and the length of a period, usually in years. The formula is

WorksheetFunction.PV(rate, N, periodic payment, amount, due)

where rate is the interest rate, N is the length of the period and amount is the amount borrowed.

Here is the VBA code:-

Private Sub Calc_InterestRate()
Dim F_Money, Int_Rate, Investment As Double
Dim numYear As Single
F_Money = Cells(2, 2)
Int_Rate = (Cells(3, 2) / 100)
numYear = Cells(4, 2)
Investment = PV(Int_Rate, numYear, 0, F_Money, 1)
Cells(5, 2) = Format(-Investment, "$##,###,##0.00")
End Sub

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