Thursday, May 6, 2010

Font and Background Color in Excel VBA :-

Font and Background Color in Excel VBA:-

The format to set the font color is

cells(i,j).Font.Color=RGB(x,y,x), where x ,y , z can be any number between 1 and 255

For example

cells(1,1).Font.Color=RGB(255,255,0) will change the font color to yellow

The format to set the cell's background color is

cells(i,j).Interior.Color=RGB(x,y,x), where x ,y , z can be any number between 1 and 255

Here is the VBA code:-

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Randomize Timer
Dim i, j, k As Integer
i = Int(255 * Rnd) + 1
j = Int(255 * Rnd) + 1
k = Int(255 * Rnd) + 1
Cells(1, 1).Font.Color = RGB(i, j, k)
Cells(2, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(j, k, i)
End Sub

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